Trier par       Date d'ajout       Nom du torrent       Taille       Seed       Leech      


Nom du torrent Date Taille Seed Leech

Ridge Racer Unbounded SKIDROW (PC)

22/01/2019 1.5Go 13 5

Risk II (Multi5) (PC)

22/01/2019 392.7Mo 3 1

Rhem 4 (PC)

22/01/2019 706.4Mo 3 0

Royal Trouble (PC)

11/01/2019 153.5Mo 1 1


11/01/2019 218.7Mo 1 0

Reincarnations : Les Vies Passées (Edition Collector) (PC)

02/01/2019 244.5Mo 3 1

Rabbit's Magic Adventures (PC])

02/01/2019 174.2Mo 3 1

Redemption Cemetery : La Malédiction du Corbeau Edition Collector (PC)

02/01/2019 479.2Mo 4 0

Redrum 2 : Les Crimes du Docteur Fraud (PC)

02/01/2019 124.1Mo 3 1

Rasputin's Curse (PC)

02/01/2019 155.1Mo 1 0

Relic Hunt (PC)

02/01/2019 92.1Mo 1 0

Robin's Quest : Une Légende est Née (PC)

02/01/2019 266.1Mo 1 0

Reservoir Dogs (PC)

02/01/2019 2.7Go 1 0

Real Crimes : Jack L'Éventreur (PC)

30/08/2018 208.7Mo 2 0

Rainbow Six Vegas (PC)

30/08/2018 5.8Go 1 5

Rhianna Ford & La Lettre de Léonard de Vinci (PC)

30/08/2018 175.0Mo 1 0

Red Faction (PC)

30/08/2018 1.9Go 1 2

Road Rash (PC)

30/08/2018 537.2Mo 3 4

Réincarnations : L'Éveil (PC)

30/08/2018 148.1Mo 2 0

Rhiannon : La Malédiction des Quatre Branches (PC)

30/08/2018 901.8Mo 1 0

Red Faction : Guerrilla (PC)

30/08/2018 7.7Go 1 0

Runaway 3 (PC)

30/08/2018 5.0Go 1 2

Redrum (PC)

30/08/2018 54.8Mo 1 0

Rescue at Rajini Island (PC)

30/08/2018 72.2Mo 1 0

Railroad Tycoon 3 (PC)

30/08/2018 1.3Go 1 0

Richard Bunrs Rally (PC)

30/08/2018 2.8Go 0 0

Race On (PC)

30/08/2018 9.1Go 1 0

Ragnarok Online 2 : Client Stille in Norden 1.3 FR (PC)

30/08/2018 910.3Mo 0 2

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PC)

30/08/2018 4.8Go 5 3

Race Driver : Grid (PC)

30/08/2018 6.4Go 3 6

RACE : The WTCC Game (PC)

30/08/2018 1.3Go 4 0

Real Madrid : The Game (PC)

30/08/2018 1.1Go 1 1

Restaurant Empire II (PC)

30/08/2018 831.3Mo 2 0

Rayman contre les lapins cretins (PC)

30/08/2018 1.4Go 6 0

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 : Délires Aquatiques & Distractions Sauvages

30/08/2018 1.4Go 9 0

Roller tycoon 3 fr crack+serial (PC)

30/08/2018 633.9Mo 5 0

Red Faction 2 (PC)

30/08/2018 988.9Mo 1 0

Rhem 2 La cite interdite (pc)

30/08/2018 685.4Mo 3 0

Rhem 3 : La Bibliothèque Secrète (Pc)

30/08/2018 540.9Mo 2 1

Rome Total War (PC)

30/08/2018 1.9Go 7 0

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 + Soaked + Wild + Patch

15/11/2019 1.8Mo 3 0

Runaway 2 The Dream Of The Turtle French 2006

30/08/2018 5.9Go 1 0


15/11/2019 1.7Mo 0 0

Road Works simulator (PC)

30/08/2018 577.4Mo 2 0

Rayman 3 : Hoodlum Havoc (PC)

30/08/2018 1.7Go 6 1

Rage 2 (PC)

01/06/2019 31.7Go 361 151


28/05/2022 22.0Go 1 1


27/06/2021 21.1Go 5 5

Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC)

15/11/2021 77.0Go 0 0

Retro Pinball (PC)

15/01/2022 471.4Mo 0 0